Having grown up near the ocean, surrounded by the lush tropical vegetation of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, the desert has been, for me, an acquired taste. And yet, now there is almost no other place I would rather be. In the solitude of the most remote deserts, I’ve found a different kind of beauty: a beauty born out of hardship, a quiet sophistication that demands personal reflection.
In the desert, it's almost as though all of the types of beauty that normally distract us - the green of plants, the blue of the ocean, the proliferation of animal life - have been purposefully stripped away so that only the essentials remain. The sage brush only occasionally gives way to a pinyon because there is not enough water. There is occasionally a watering hole for the local wildlife, fostered by the runoff of winter snows. The wildlife that lives in these harsh conditions largely stays hidden, unless it has become essential for them to venture out to find food or water.

Embracing Simplicity in Life and Art
Really, these are the types of landscapes that seem like they have been distilled to basic elements: rock, sand, sunshine, rudimentary plants, brief glimpses of water, and the hardiest animals. And if one spends much time in this type of environment, it isn’t long before your mind naturally turns to the larger, existential questions of life.
This simplicity, this paring of life to the basic elements, the elimination of distractions are the reasons I have been so drawn to the desert for so many years. This same spirit has become a recurring theme in my photographic art, especially as I photograph the American mustangs in their natural desert environment.

About Maria Marriott
Maria's equine artwork has been recognized for its emotional impact and intimate portrayal of wild horses.
Maria works closely with several non-profit organizations focused on the benefits of equine therapy and preservation of the mustangs on US Western lands.