In December 2021 I had the opportunity to collaborate with writer Elizabeth McCall on an article for "Calling All Horse Girls" magazine with my wild horse photography.
Elizabeth McCall is a Los Angeles-based author, journalist, and media consultant with a lifelong passion for horses. Her book The Tao of Horses: Exploring How Horses Guide Us on Our Spiritual Path shows how horses transform the way we see the world, interact with our environment, and handle challenges. Her articles have appeared in Cowboys & Indians, Los Angeles Times, Hemispheres, Horse Illustrated, Arabian Horse Life, America’s Horse, USA Weekend, The Hollywood Reporter, and more. It was an honor to collaborate with her on this project - sharing my experience with the mustangs and some of my favorite images.
May this article will bring you a sense of what it is to be in the presence of such amazing creatures.

It was sunset time. We were alone. Not a single noise but the one of the birds. So peaceful. The herd had left the water pond, as well as a couple of other photographers. As my husband and I walk to our Jeep, we hear the sound of his hooves on the ground. The Old Man was coming to water.
A lifetime memorable moment.
The Old Man is estimated to be approaching 30. As I get ready to leave to Onaqui, I wonder if this resilient stallion will once again beat the odds and come out in Spring.

An equestrian for most of her life, Maria combines her passion for horses with her art and the desire to bring public awareness to the American wild horses. Maria Marriott Photography is a proud supporter of several non-profit organizations that tirelessly work to ensure the well-being of the American mustangs.